Jerry Miller & Company
Directions to Auction
Norumbega Moving & Storage
39 Marshall Brook Road
Southwest Harbor, Maine 04679
From Ellsworth, take Route 3 towards Mount Desert Island. Approx. 8 miles.
Cross bridge. Bear right at fork, head towards Southwest Harbor on Route 102.
In Southwest Harbor, turn right onto Seal Cove Road, travel up and over the hill.
Turn right onto Marshall Brook Road. Norumbega Moving & Storage will be on the left,
a large metal building with a large parking lot.
Bass Harbor Marine
57 Granville Road
Bass Harbor, Maine 04653
From Ellsworth, take Route 3 towards Mount Desert Island. Approx. 8 miles.
Cross bridge. Bear right at fork, head towards Southwest Harbor on Route 102.
Continue on Route 102 to Bass Harbor. At Hansen’s Outpost bear left onto Route 102A.
Turn right onto Shore Road, then continue onto Granville Road, past the Swans Island Ferry.
Go straight ahead to Bass Harbor Marine, head left to the top of the hill for the auction.
The Neighborhood House
Kimball Road at the End of Main Street
Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662
From Ellsworth, take Route 3 towards Mount Desert Island.
Cross bridge. Bear right at fork, heading towards Southwest Harbor. This is Route 198 and Route 102.
Travel approx. 5 miles. After the Freshies/Gas Station in Somesville, turn left at light.
Follow Route 198 into Northeast Harbor, and onto Main Street, approx. 6 miles.
The Neighborhood House is at the end of Main Street, a Tudor style building.